
Growth mindset

I have not heard of Carol Dweck and I am not familiar with this term 'Growth Mindset' either. This concept is totally new to me and strange to me as well. Based on Carol Dweck's term, I am, with no doubt, a fixed mindset student. Especially as a science major, doing good in the class is all that matters. I try hard to get A but that grade is based on the test scores and the quiz scores. Although I try my best, sometimes i get B and C regardless of my efforts and that always makes me feel stupid and I just want to give up when that happens. I would like to say I have a growth mindset, but since middle school, this grade based environment forces me to be a fixed mindset student. The biggest challenges about learning new things in new classes are getting good grades. Sometimes, to get a good grade, I forget to enjoy of learning new knowledge but rather focus on remembering what will be on the test. Because I hate this fact, I am really interested in learning more about the growth mindset. It sounds more positive and more effective way to develop myself in learning new things. My personal goal for this semester is fixed minded as well. Getting good grades in all my classes. That is my personal goal right now. But hopefully, this goal will change somehow in more positive way as I learn more the growth mindset. I am excited for this class but I am worried about most of my chemistry classes. I hope learning about the growth mindset will help me to get over this anxiety!
(Perfect meme form myself! Growth Mindset Meme blog)


  1. I think it's really common for science majors to have a fixed mindset because we're always taught to look at the facts. Sometimes we are pressured to memorize and the sciences are never easy. I completely understand what you say whenever you just try to memorize the material that will be on the test instead of being interested in the knowledge that you could gain.

  2. I'm the exact same way that you are! It's so hard to focus on learning new material when it all comes down to a grade on my transcript! I did have one goal that was more growth mindset orientated this semester of reading more books, but I also strive to make excellent grades! Hopefully you have fulfilled both of your goals!
