Hey! I like where you are headed with your storybook the creature of greek mythology are so interesting and I would love to read more about them when your storybook is complete. I like how you got creative with the names for good and bad creatures but with the bad ones you change from evonsters to bonsters so just make sure that stays consistent throughout. There are a few other grammatical/spelling mistakes so just make sure you proofread before you post! But it is all little stuff, I do the same thing all the time. I also like the background you chose, it is kind of dark like Zeus can be and the light text on dark background is very symbolic of the good vs bad creatures. This may just be because I am basically blind, but I found the font hard to read. I think maybe go a little bigger in font size when using a tight font like that just for simplicity for the reader. Overall I think you have a great idea going and I hope you have a lot of fun with this assignment!
Howdy Hyo! I picked your storybook as my free choice for this week. Your title drew my attention. I would love to know more about the good and evil monsters of Roman-Greco Mythology! Your introduction image was so cool! Zeus looks ominous and powerful in that photo. It was a nice touch that he is blue and red from, perhaps, the fire from his lightning bolts. Your story was fun to read! I liked how it was told from Zeus's perspective. I thought it was very creative to coin the terms "Greatures" for good creatures and "Evonsters" for evil monsters. The only part I was confused on was that "Evonsters" was changed into "bonsters" throughout the the story. Was this intentional? I would also recommend proof-reading your introduction just a wee bit. There were some grammatical errors here and there, but nothing major. Other than that, your storybook is looking good! Good luck on it!
Hello! Your storybook at first was pretty confusing to me, but you did a great job at breaking it down and explaining it out. Greek mythology can be really confusing at times, so I applaud you for choosing this topic. I like how creative you got with the names of your creatures, and how you had them represent good and bad. I am a little confused on why you changed the bad monsters evonsters to bolsters? I do like the black background you have, and I love the photo you used to represent creature, it's interesting to look at. I also liked the font, I found that it added on to the theme of your story, I didn't find it hard to read, but I have pretty good sight. I could see how it could be hard for some people to read, but I would't worry about it to much. It will be interesting to read more about your storybook when its finished! I hope you have fun and channel your inner creativity with the rest!
Hello, This storybook has a lot of great potential. I like how you have used your own creative twist by creating your own words for the good guys and the bad guys throughout the Greek mythology. If I was not focusing on creation for my storybook, Greek mythology would by one of my next options to use. I have always been really fascinated with Greek mythology in particular so I will definitely be checking back on this one for your future updates and stories to come.
Hi Fred, I really enjoyed the introduction to your story book. I like how you are planning on discussing the two sides of greek mythology--the good and the bad. I think this is a big topic to tackle so that's awesome that you're doing it. How are you going to decide which monsters to include? Do you have a kind of method?
I also liked how much creativity you put into your post. I liked how you even made up a few of your own words, like evonster. That's really clever and something that I wouldn't have thought to do! I am impressed.
Is Zeus going to make an appearance in each of the stories as a kind of guide? Or did you just choose to have him speak in the intro?
Also, maybe this was on purpose but you have some foreign language going on on your webpage. Its on the search bar and on the last tap on the navigation pane.
I'm definitely very interested in how you develop your story book! I think you did a great job giving the reader a kind of teaser and getting them interested!
Hey Fred! I just read your introduction and loved it! You did a great job by introducing Zeus at the very beginning of the introduction. The way you had him talk was exactly how I thought he would sound… very confident and strong! It was also really creative how you chose to combine the words Bad-monster to create ‘Bonster’ and Good-creature to create ‘Greature’! I can’t wait to read the stories on both of them. It seems like you have a good sense of humor so I’m sure you’ll add a fun spin to the classic Greek mythology stories! Not only did you do a good job at introducing Zeus at the beginning but you also gave the reader just enough information on the stories you plan to tell so they understand the plot before reading them. I love reading about Sirens so I can’t wait to read your bonster story about them!
Hey. I wanted to let you know I love your wallpaper background. It really catches they eye and makes the blog pop. I also love the dog picture in your comment wall! Great touch.
Hi, Fred! I chose to read your storybook this week for my free choice option. I love the theme you went with for your storybook! I find reading about Greek mythology to be so fun and interesting. I think it is so clever that you chose to write about the creatures of Greece, choosing to call the good creatures “greatures” and the bad monsters “bonsters.” This approach makes your storybook really unique in my opinion! I like how you chose to write from the perspective of Zeus, since he is so powerful and would definitely be the most knowledgeable about the different creatures and monsters of Greece. I thought you chose a really cool picture for the introduction page and I also love the dark theme of the site. I am interested to see which other creatures and monsters you choose to write about on your storybook site! Keep up the great work.
Right away your blog looks different than all the others I have seen so far and I like it. It reminds me of the pictures I drew when I was younger when you were trying to draw the landscape of something. I like the color of the grass a lot. I also like how you did the red font, it is easy to read.
I love the creepiness of this song! The beginning with the dramatic drum beats and weird background space-ship noises were so cool! I’ve never heard this artist before (or maybe I have, and I just never knew her name), and I don’t think I know this song. This was a really different sound than things I typically hear. Like I said though, I definitely loved the odd-ness of it. It sounded really badass and I liked that. She has such a unique voice!
The title of your storybook immediately caught my attention! I've read the Percy Jackson series, and that made me very curious about Greek mythology, so I've done a little research before. Reading your introduction, I already really liked the first line. It kind of made Zeus like this nervous guy instead of a powerful god of Olympus. The rest of the introduction had a few typos, but that is alright, because the content of it made those mistakes seem very minimal. I thought it was a great idea to come up with names for the categories of creatures! I don't think it's that hard to remember or understand either, which was good! It was a great idea to provide examples for both greatures (the good ones) and bonsters (the bad ones. See, it works great!) too, so that the reader will have an idea of what is next to come.
First off I like how you asked all the questions at the beginning. It really makes your reader think. I think its really cleaver and creative how you came up with "greatures" and "bonsters'. I think the voice you choose and style of storytelling really fits. It goes along great with your story book. The white text on the black background looks really sharp. It also adds to the theme of your storybook.
I wonder is it will be Zeus just telling each story from knowledge? Or I wonder if it will be personal encounters Zeus has had with these Greek creatures. I look forward to finding out. The only real Greek story I know much about is Hercules.
In your opening paper you day good or evil. This makes me think that a choice has to be made. That there is only one and not both, since it didn't say good and evil. Maybe you will tell a story about a creature that switched. One who went from good to evil.
Hello! I have not heard the song you posted before so thank you for introducing me to new music! I think Lorde has an amazing voice and sounds great in this song. It is a bit slow and dark sounding for my taste but overall I think she does a great job of it as usual!
Hi! I really liked that you included Lorde's music video on your blog because I had not heard it before! Her voice is always so great that I feel like I like every song she ever sings. I did notice in the caption that you said you really liked "her version" of the song, so is there someone else who sang the original version? I would be interested in listening to it as well!
Great introduction ! I think the layout of your blog is perfect for the mythology theme of your portfolio. I also really liked the font you used, I though it worked perfectly. You did a great job of breaking up paragraphs into new thought, so it was easy to read. I also like the variety of punctuation you use such as question marks and exclamation points. You have a good mix of long normal sentences, and very short sentences that make the story exciting to read. I love Greek mythology so I was very interested in your theme. I like how your introduction is from the point of view of Zeus. He is the best mythology character to know about all the right and wrongs of the land. I am interested in reading more about the other mythology characters in your other stories! Keep up the great work!
I love Greek mythology so I chose your story for my extra credit for that reason. I like that in your introduction you set up the good vs bad argument. I like that you clarify that good doesn’t necessary equal attractive just like bad doesn’t equal unattractive. I really like that because it’s accurate. Chiron sounds familiar to me but I can’t place it. He reminds of the centaur in Disney’s Hercules. You might want to double check your verb tenses though. I really wish you’d elaborate why Chiron is good though. His only good qualities appear to be that he’s Zeus’s half-brother, a Centaur and the fact that he trained some heroes. I don’t know maybe give an example of why he deserves a spot in the stars. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy but maybe just give a reason for his goodness outside of being a trainer. He’s presumably getting paid for it after all; did he really do nothing but train people? It takes a little more than that to be permanently placed in the sky right? I really liked your story though. It's interesting Zeus is the one telling the story.
You have the honor of being the first Myth-Folklore blog that I'm commenting on. I chose your storybook because the title seemed interesting to me. Additionally, the Greek religions are polytheistic like the Indian religions so I figured that I could make some interesting connections between our classes.
I liked how you had Zeus introduce your storybook. Everyone of your readers will be familiar with him and he is a very knowledgeable and powerful character. This means he can go places that not everyone else can to see things not everyone else can see. He is also capable of explaining these things. Finally, sense the point of all this is that he is explaining things to the reader, people like me who aren't familiar with the subject work can still enjoy reading your story.
Thanks so much for sharing your work so far, I really enjoyed reading it. Good luck with the rest of this class and the remaining semester.
I am from the other side of the lake in Indian Epics land. I happened by your Storybook because I use to have a have a huge fascination with Greek Mythology. Not so much anymore.
I read your Chiron story. I never knew that was the origins of centaurs so it was really cool to read about. I really like constellations so I am going to have to see if there is a Chiron one. I am sure there is, but that would be an interesting find. If there is one, that would have been a really good picture to have at the end!
I liked the narration from Zeus. I am guessing he is the overall narrator of your other stories. I also liked that you explained what you meant by greature. I had no idea what you meant by that at first so thank you for explaining.
Hello Fred, I chose your storybook because the title seemed interesting to me and that made me so curious to know what you have in your storybook about this topic. I really enjoyed the introduction to your story book. I like how you discussed the two sides of Greek mythology (the good and bad) I like how you let Zeus talks in the introduction. That is really different way for me to start the introduction and I also like how you chose to call the good and bad creatures, I really like the names and that makes the story more interesting and makes the readers want to read more. I like the examples that you had in your storybook for both the good creatures and the bad ones. Overall, your storybook is great. And I like your creativity in writing stories. I hope you having great semester. Great work Fred!
Hi Fred! I read the intro and I instantly became interested. I really enjoy Greek mythology and always look forward to reading stories about it. I did find the text small and difficult to read. The text is much better with the first story. Although I knew of Chiron the Centaur, I did not know that he was a god or that he was a brother of Zeus. I also read the Siren, and again the text was a bit too small to be read easily. I think you should consider using the same font size as you did for Chiron for the entire storybook. I didn't realize that siren's ate men. I always thought they drowned them. Or maybe I am getting it mixed up with something else. I am learning new things from reading your stories. I really enjoyed your stories, and I look forward to reading the finished project.
Hey Fred! First off, I like the central theme to your storybook, Greek Monsters! I actually studied Greek Mythology back in middle school and thought it was very intriguing! I like how the whole storybook is told from Zeus’s perspective! This week, I read your story about Chiron. I thought the line “Yes my father was having an affair with a nymph” was hilarious and brutally honest! Defiantly gave the story some humor! I’m glad Chiron, the Centaur, was a greature instead of a monster! Although he didn’t help people directly, his work with others and teaching should definitely be recognized! He definitely deserves to be a star, aligned in the heavens! I couldn’t help but think of the movie Hercules while reading because I can only imagine what this story would look like in a movie/ real life setting! Great job! I can’t wait to read more about the other Greatures :)
Hi Fred! I think your introduction is really good! I love that Zeus seems like an ordinary guy talking to just anyone, even thought it's actually a god talking to mortals. He seems so casual and it really makes the story entertaining right off the bat! The way you describe Chiron in your first story is great. You turned something that could seem very factual and dry and made it fun just by Zeus' tone! You did a great job describing Chiron and explaining why he is considered a greature. I also really liked your story about Siren. I've heard of Sirens from other brief lessons about mythology, but I really like how you made the story a little bit more personal and kept it short and to the point! Your storybook is great overall and I think you've done a good job in making it fun while also informational. Great job and good luck as you continue writing!
Great Storybook! I like how you used Zeus to narrate it. Mythology is weird place sometimes, with the greatures and bonsters, haha super clever! Making an entire storybook about it seems super fun and interesting. Mine is over just heroes and their wives. Also explaining relationships like Zeus and Chiron is very weird too. It seems like a lot of things in mythology are related. My favorite movie of all time is Hercules (the Disney version) and reading about Chiron I realized he is Philactetes. Phil wasn't a centaur, but he was close. when you first meet him he is watching the nymphs and it related to where you said centaurs steal women away on their backs. Also if you've seen he movie he trains all these heroes, but all he wants is to have a hero in the stars, so when you said he got his place in the stars in real greek mythology it made me so happy.
Hi, I am back! I just finished reading your stories on Chiron and the Sirens and they were quite good! My Greek mythology knowledge is limited to one class at OU and the Percy Jackson series. I was familiar with Chiron, and really liked the way you explained about his character. I did not realize that he actually died because of Hercules (even if it was an accident) and is not a constellation! I also did not realize that Sirens were half bird! I just thought they were pretty sea creatures that lure men to their death. They kind of remind me of the mermaids in the fourth Pirates movie (On Stranger Tides). They pretty mermaids that tried to eat all the men too. The font on the Siren page was different from the Chiron page, I don't know if you meant to do that, but it was a bit small. Not a big problem though, good job!
Hey! I like where you are headed with your storybook the creature of greek mythology are so interesting and I would love to read more about them when your storybook is complete. I like how you got creative with the names for good and bad creatures but with the bad ones you change from evonsters to bonsters so just make sure that stays consistent throughout. There are a few other grammatical/spelling mistakes so just make sure you proofread before you post! But it is all little stuff, I do the same thing all the time. I also like the background you chose, it is kind of dark like Zeus can be and the light text on dark background is very symbolic of the good vs bad creatures. This may just be because I am basically blind, but I found the font hard to read. I think maybe go a little bigger in font size when using a tight font like that just for simplicity for the reader. Overall I think you have a great idea going and I hope you have a lot of fun with this assignment!
ReplyDeleteHowdy Hyo! I picked your storybook as my free choice for this week. Your title drew my attention. I would love to know more about the good and evil monsters of Roman-Greco Mythology! Your introduction image was so cool! Zeus looks ominous and powerful in that photo. It was a nice touch that he is blue and red from, perhaps, the fire from his lightning bolts. Your story was fun to read! I liked how it was told from Zeus's perspective. I thought it was very creative to coin the terms "Greatures" for good creatures and "Evonsters" for evil monsters. The only part I was confused on was that "Evonsters" was changed into "bonsters" throughout the the story. Was this intentional? I would also recommend proof-reading your introduction just a wee bit. There were some grammatical errors here and there, but nothing major. Other than that, your storybook is looking good! Good luck on it!
ReplyDeleteHello! Your storybook at first was pretty confusing to me, but you did a great job at breaking it down and explaining it out. Greek mythology can be really confusing at times, so I applaud you for choosing this topic. I like how creative you got with the names of your creatures, and how you had them represent good and bad. I am a little confused on why you changed the bad monsters evonsters to bolsters? I do like the black background you have, and I love the photo you used to represent creature, it's interesting to look at. I also liked the font, I found that it added on to the theme of your story, I didn't find it hard to read, but I have pretty good sight. I could see how it could be hard for some people to read, but I would't worry about it to much. It will be interesting to read more about your storybook when its finished! I hope you have fun and channel your inner creativity with the rest!
ReplyDeleteThis storybook has a lot of great potential. I like how you have used your own creative twist by creating your own words for the good guys and the bad guys throughout the Greek mythology. If I was not focusing on creation for my storybook, Greek mythology would by one of my next options to use. I have always been really fascinated with Greek mythology in particular so I will definitely be checking back on this one for your future updates and stories to come.
Hi Fred,
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the introduction to your story book. I like how you are planning on discussing the two sides of greek mythology--the good and the bad. I think this is a big topic to tackle so that's awesome that you're doing it. How are you going to decide which monsters to include? Do you have a kind of method?
I also liked how much creativity you put into your post. I liked how you even made up a few of your own words, like evonster. That's really clever and something that I wouldn't have thought to do! I am impressed.
Is Zeus going to make an appearance in each of the stories as a kind of guide? Or did you just choose to have him speak in the intro?
Also, maybe this was on purpose but you have some foreign language going on on your webpage. Its on the search bar and on the last tap on the navigation pane.
I'm definitely very interested in how you develop your story book! I think you did a great job giving the reader a kind of teaser and getting them interested!
Hey Fred! I just read your introduction and loved it! You did a great job by introducing Zeus at the very beginning of the introduction. The way you had him talk was exactly how I thought he would sound… very confident and strong! It was also really creative how you chose to combine the words Bad-monster to create ‘Bonster’ and Good-creature to create ‘Greature’! I can’t wait to read the stories on both of them. It seems like you have a good sense of humor so I’m sure you’ll add a fun spin to the classic Greek mythology stories! Not only did you do a good job at introducing Zeus at the beginning but you also gave the reader just enough information on the stories you plan to tell so they understand the plot before reading them. I love reading about Sirens so I can’t wait to read your bonster story about them!
ReplyDeleteHey. I wanted to let you know I love your wallpaper background. It really catches they eye and makes the blog pop. I also love the dog picture in your comment wall! Great touch.
ReplyDeleteHi, Fred! I chose to read your storybook this week for my free choice option. I love the theme you went with for your storybook! I find reading about Greek mythology to be so fun and interesting. I think it is so clever that you chose to write about the creatures of Greece, choosing to call the good creatures “greatures” and the bad monsters “bonsters.” This approach makes your storybook really unique in my opinion! I like how you chose to write from the perspective of Zeus, since he is so powerful and would definitely be the most knowledgeable about the different creatures and monsters of Greece. I thought you chose a really cool picture for the introduction page and I also love the dark theme of the site. I am interested to see which other creatures and monsters you choose to write about on your storybook site! Keep up the great work.
ReplyDeleteRight away your blog looks different than all the others I have seen so far and I like it. It reminds me of the pictures I drew when I was younger when you were trying to draw the landscape of something. I like the color of the grass a lot. I also like how you did the red font, it is easy to read.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed seeing your eye popping background, it was refreshing!
ReplyDeleteI love the creepiness of this song! The beginning with the dramatic drum beats and weird background space-ship noises were so cool! I’ve never heard this artist before (or maybe I have, and I just never knew her name), and I don’t think I know this song. This was a really different sound than things I typically hear. Like I said though, I definitely loved the odd-ness of it. It sounded really badass and I liked that. She has such a unique voice!
ReplyDeleteThe title of your storybook immediately caught my attention! I've read the Percy Jackson series, and that made me very curious about Greek mythology, so I've done a little research before. Reading your introduction, I already really liked the first line. It kind of made Zeus like this nervous guy instead of a powerful god of Olympus. The rest of the introduction had a few typos, but that is alright, because the content of it made those mistakes seem very minimal. I thought it was a great idea to come up with names for the categories of creatures! I don't think it's that hard to remember or understand either, which was good! It was a great idea to provide examples for both greatures (the good ones) and bonsters (the bad ones. See, it works great!) too, so that the reader will have an idea of what is next to come.
ReplyDeleteFirst off I like how you asked all the questions at the beginning. It really makes your reader think. I think its really cleaver and creative how you came up with "greatures" and "bonsters'. I think the voice you choose and style of storytelling really fits. It goes along great with your story book. The white text on the black background looks really sharp. It also adds to the theme of your storybook.
ReplyDeleteI wonder is it will be Zeus just telling each story from knowledge? Or I wonder if it will be personal encounters Zeus has had with these Greek creatures. I look forward to finding out. The only real Greek story I know much about is Hercules.
In your opening paper you day good or evil. This makes me think that a choice has to be made. That there is only one and not both, since it didn't say good and evil. Maybe you will tell a story about a creature that switched. One who went from good to evil.
Hello! I have not heard the song you posted before so thank you for introducing me to new music! I think Lorde has an amazing voice and sounds great in this song. It is a bit slow and dark sounding for my taste but overall I think she does a great job of it as usual!
ReplyDeleteHi! I really liked that you included Lorde's music video on your blog because I had not heard it before! Her voice is always so great that I feel like I like every song she ever sings. I did notice in the caption that you said you really liked "her version" of the song, so is there someone else who sang the original version? I would be interested in listening to it as well!
ReplyDeleteGreat introduction ! I think the layout of your blog is perfect for the mythology theme of your portfolio. I also really liked the font you used, I though it worked perfectly. You did a great job of breaking up paragraphs into new thought, so it was easy to read. I also like the variety of punctuation you use such as question marks and exclamation points. You have a good mix of long normal sentences, and very short sentences that make the story exciting to read.
ReplyDeleteI love Greek mythology so I was very interested in your theme. I like how your introduction is from the point of view of Zeus. He is the best mythology character to know about all the right and wrongs of the land. I am interested in reading more about the other mythology characters in your other stories! Keep up the great work!
I love Greek mythology so I chose your story for my extra credit for that reason. I like that in your introduction you set up the good vs bad argument. I like that you clarify that good doesn’t necessary equal attractive just like bad doesn’t equal unattractive. I really like that because it’s accurate. Chiron sounds familiar to me but I can’t place it. He reminds of the centaur in Disney’s Hercules. You might want to double check your verb tenses though. I really wish you’d elaborate why Chiron is good though. His only good qualities appear to be that he’s Zeus’s half-brother, a Centaur and the fact that he trained some heroes. I don’t know maybe give an example of why he deserves a spot in the stars. He doesn’t seem like a bad guy but maybe just give a reason for his goodness outside of being a trainer. He’s presumably getting paid for it after all; did he really do nothing but train people? It takes a little more than that to be permanently placed in the sky right? I really liked your story though. It's interesting Zeus is the one telling the story.
ReplyDeleteYou have the honor of being the first Myth-Folklore blog that I'm commenting on. I chose your storybook because the title seemed interesting to me. Additionally, the Greek religions are polytheistic like the Indian religions so I figured that I could make some interesting connections between our classes.
I liked how you had Zeus introduce your storybook. Everyone of your readers will be familiar with him and he is a very knowledgeable and powerful character. This means he can go places that not everyone else can to see things not everyone else can see. He is also capable of explaining these things. Finally, sense the point of all this is that he is explaining things to the reader, people like me who aren't familiar with the subject work can still enjoy reading your story.
Thanks so much for sharing your work so far, I really enjoyed reading it. Good luck with the rest of this class and the remaining semester.
Hey there Fred,
ReplyDeleteI am from the other side of the lake in Indian Epics land. I happened by your Storybook because I use to have a have a huge fascination with Greek Mythology. Not so much anymore.
I read your Chiron story. I never knew that was the origins of centaurs so it was really cool to read about. I really like constellations so I am going to have to see if there is a Chiron one. I am sure there is, but that would be an interesting find. If there is one, that would have been a really good picture to have at the end!
I liked the narration from Zeus. I am guessing he is the overall narrator of your other stories. I also liked that you explained what you meant by greature. I had no idea what you meant by that at first so thank you for explaining.
Really good job!
Hello Fred,
ReplyDeleteI chose your storybook because the title seemed interesting to me and that made me so curious to know what you have in your storybook about this topic. I really enjoyed the introduction to your story book. I like how you discussed the two sides of Greek mythology (the good and bad) I like how you let Zeus talks in the introduction. That is really different way for me to start the introduction and I also like how you chose to call the good and bad creatures, I really like the names and that makes the story more interesting and makes the readers want to read more. I like the examples that you had in your storybook for both the good creatures and the bad ones. Overall, your storybook is great. And I like your creativity in writing stories. I hope you having great semester. Great work Fred!
Hi Fred! I read the intro and I instantly became interested. I really enjoy Greek mythology and always look forward to reading stories about it. I did find the text small and difficult to read. The text is much better with the first story. Although I knew of Chiron the Centaur, I did not know that he was a god or that he was a brother of Zeus. I also read the Siren, and again the text was a bit too small to be read easily. I think you should consider using the same font size as you did for Chiron for the entire storybook. I didn't realize that siren's ate men. I always thought they drowned them. Or maybe I am getting it mixed up with something else. I am learning new things from reading your stories. I really enjoyed your stories, and I look forward to reading the finished project.
ReplyDeleteHey Fred! First off, I like the central theme to your storybook, Greek Monsters! I actually studied Greek Mythology back in middle school and thought it was very intriguing! I like how the whole storybook is told from Zeus’s perspective! This week, I read your story about Chiron. I thought the line “Yes my father was having an affair with a nymph” was hilarious and brutally honest! Defiantly gave the story some humor! I’m glad Chiron, the Centaur, was a greature instead of a monster! Although he didn’t help people directly, his work with others and teaching should definitely be recognized! He definitely deserves to be a star, aligned in the heavens! I couldn’t help but think of the movie Hercules while reading because I can only imagine what this story would look like in a movie/ real life setting! Great job! I can’t wait to read more about the other Greatures :)
ReplyDeleteHi Fred! I think your introduction is really good! I love that Zeus seems like an ordinary guy talking to just anyone, even thought it's actually a god talking to mortals. He seems so casual and it really makes the story entertaining right off the bat! The way you describe Chiron in your first story is great. You turned something that could seem very factual and dry and made it fun just by Zeus' tone! You did a great job describing Chiron and explaining why he is considered a greature. I also really liked your story about Siren. I've heard of Sirens from other brief lessons about mythology, but I really like how you made the story a little bit more personal and kept it short and to the point! Your storybook is great overall and I think you've done a good job in making it fun while also informational. Great job and good luck as you continue writing!
ReplyDeleteGreat Storybook! I like how you used Zeus to narrate it. Mythology is weird place sometimes, with the greatures and bonsters, haha super clever! Making an entire storybook about it seems super fun and interesting. Mine is over just heroes and their wives. Also explaining relationships like Zeus and Chiron is very weird too. It seems like a lot of things in mythology are related.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite movie of all time is Hercules (the Disney version) and reading about Chiron I realized he is Philactetes. Phil wasn't a centaur, but he was close. when you first meet him he is watching the nymphs and it related to where you said centaurs steal women away on their backs. Also if you've seen he movie he trains all these heroes, but all he wants is to have a hero in the stars, so when you said he got his place in the stars in real greek mythology it made me so happy.
Hi, I am back! I just finished reading your stories on Chiron and the Sirens and they were quite good! My Greek mythology knowledge is limited to one class at OU and the Percy Jackson series. I was familiar with Chiron, and really liked the way you explained about his character. I did not realize that he actually died because of Hercules (even if it was an accident) and is not a constellation! I also did not realize that Sirens were half bird! I just thought they were pretty sea creatures that lure men to their death. They kind of remind me of the mermaids in the fourth Pirates movie (On Stranger Tides). They pretty mermaids that tried to eat all the men too. The font on the Siren page was different from the Chiron page, I don't know if you meant to do that, but it was a bit small. Not a big problem though, good job!