
Week 8 New Blog Ideas

I like how my blog looks right now, but some blogs attracted my attention with their formats. I think I will slowly change my blog settings with some features that I found interesting from other's blog.

First blog was Jessica's Blog , her blog was so neat and clean. I like the theme that I have picked from earlier, but I think simple background can be little helpful for readers. I think my background theme may be little too distracted or messy.

Second blog that I got a idea from was Nicole's Blog. I think it was interesting how she used colorful theme for background, but blog itself was white and black. So her stories and other stuffs that she posted could be observed more easier because her fonts were black but her posts had white background. Colorful blog theme actually helped me to focus on her posts more.

Third blog was Morgan's blog, The most interesting of her blog was her font. Not just for posts but her entire blog had an unique font for everything. Even her labels was in this interesting font. I think I can use new font for my blog as well.

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